Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dragon Fly Baby

A cow and a frog had a dragon fly baby.
It couldn't fly but it hopped on its wings.
It also chews cud with the best of them.
Dragby, the dragonfly baby, knew he was special.
He went to school to learn good stuff.
He did his best even though he was different.
Then on day he had an idea to change the world.
So he went to his rich uncle, Froggy McFroggerton.
Dragby presented his master plan.

Can you guess what his uncle said?

"Dragon flys is tasty."

Story Time...Shiny

I like to tell stories,
They make no sense.
People don't understand,
Cause they don't try.
Learn to laugh,
Learn to cry.
Then look at me,
And you will know,
That in the middle of it all,
I like turtles.

Did I mention that I have a short attention span?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I had a meeting

Meeting, meeting. I'm in a meeting.
And in this meeting, there's lots of seating.
But is this a meeting or is this a beating?
At least this room has some good heating.

It's raining outside.
My time I will bide.
And maybe I'll ride
On a bus to hide.

I kinda hate my job.
I'd rather kill a hobbe
With my sword I named Bob.
The hilt's a door knob.

Hobbes are from Fable,
A video game on my table.
You can play if you're able.
Sorry, there's no horse stable.

What will I do
In this meeting of poo.
Maybe throw a shoe.
You do it too.

Honestly, it hasn't yet started,
But I think someone farted
And it was uncharted.
From this world I have departed.

Now I'm in heaven
Or a seven...
Mmmmmmm Slurpee.

Friday, August 28, 2009